We’ve been doing this for quite a while and have learned just as much from our clients as they’ve taken from our coaching. Perspective is everything. On this page, we’ve gathered compilation stories in hopes that another’s perspective will serve as inspiration. The names and identifying details have been changed for privacy.

The change you’re seeking comes via the knowledge that you have the capacity to get what you want. Through our powerful conversations around your real-life challenges, a focus on your strengths, the research-based tool kit I have for you, and adopting best practices, you can become the leader you were born to be.



Lisa Value Proposition

Lisa, 34, is one of the founders as well as majority owner and managing executive with a technology organization of 150 people, Acme Technology Solutions. The organization has grown quite quickly, going from four people to its current size in just a few years. Lisa and her senior leadership team recognize that to continue to grow, the ability of their managers to lead needs to grow as well. Further, Lisa is a big believer in supporting people in their professional development and career growth. However, the options Lisa as seen in terms of leadership development don’t seem to fit well with how the organization operates- Acme moves fast and asks a lot of its people.

Lisa’s Current Perspective

It’s essential we support people in their leadership development- for their benefit as well as ours. But it’s hard and expensive to take people out of their roles for several days at a time for training. Most of the local ‘off-the-shelf’ programs that teach basic management skills seem too generic and a customized program feels too expensive and would take a lot of organizational resources. It’d be ideal if we could find a program which allows people to learn on the job and apply their learning directly to their specific roles and teams. And we’d like to be able to experience the learning as a team, we’d like to do it quickly (several weeks instead of several months) and it needs to be scalable – we want to develop everyone at the manager level and above.

Lisa’s Future Perspective

We’re ready to grow because our people are ready to lead! Our people are engaged and embracing the vision for the company; they now take ownership over their work and the results. They are willing to go the extra mile because they understand our mission and how they contribute to it. I hear them asking bigger questions and contributing at a more strategic level.

Our leaders are more confident, poised and able to voice their point of view in a stronger way, with clients and with their colleagues. And we’re getting the results we want. We’re seeing leaders really step into their strengths. We’re seeing the teams move more efficiently because their leadership is clearer; and they’re coming up with ways to solve problems on their own, instead of waiting for us to solve problems for them. That’s what we like to see,

And this has happened in a remarkably short time with no disruption to our business. We’re excited about taking our next generation of leaders through the program.



“Andy was a great sounding board for helping me talk through what I consider a foundation for my management philosophy, and what success looks like for how I support people.”

Kevin, Engineering Manager

“Andy helped me to have a better understanding of myself. Instead of telling me what I am doing wrong or what I need to focus on or develop, he continuously helped me figure out the things I need to work on. He did a very good job on this. He asked questions and helped me find the answers. He helped me to manage my stress, build self-confidence, and build good relationships with others. I would definitely recommend him to others.”

Archana, Product Manager

“My leadership style wasn’t inspiring the results that I wanted and needed to see from my team. I’ve studied corporate communication and tried several approaches on my own, but I was too close to the situation to be able to see a clear path forward. My sessions with Andy produced an “a-ha!” moment for me every time. There were even a few habits I had that I thought were helpful, but were contributing to the lack of progress. Andy’s conversational, low-key, no-judgement coaching style is brilliant. I highly recommend working with him. It will change your business for the better.”

Laura, Vice President

“I’d like to bottle Andy’s style and sell it to all! He listened, asked curious questions and led me to find my own solutions. The fact that we build out plans together rather built my confidence and reaffirmed that with some effort I have what it takes. I am a more confident leader for having spent time with him and I’m very grateful.”

Chuck, Virtual/Augmented Reality Executive